This is a blog about me and the things that make me laugh, smile, hurt or cry!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fifty-two Days to Go

Yesterday, President Rupiah Banda dissolved Parliament and announced the date of the 2011 tripartite elections to be Tuesday, 20th September.

I have always voted on principle. I don't believe in the whole "don't waste a vote" school of thought, which means everybody just votes for the most popular opposition candidate regardless of who the person standing is. This way, no one needs to take any responsibility for their vote. 

In our 'Westminster' or constituency system, each candidate is voted for by the people (as opposed to the party in a proportional representation system). In theory, this means that s/he is also accountable to the people. We are far from reaching this level of accountability in our governance system, but I do think that we have the right foundation to strenghten and build on our system.

In light of recent events in Malawi and earlier this year in North Africa, I am hopeful for peaceful elections and for a free and fair campaign period.

Hope often disappoints. In fact, the Bible says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick". Nevertheless, Hope is free and that's where I'm putting my money. 

Someone once said, "without pressure, there is no expectation". So, as I look up to the world with hopeful expectation, fingers crossed that I don't get spat in the face.

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